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Today I found Kevin. Again. 16th July 2024. 

Was a frogspawn in February last year. Tadpole in March last year. Born last year. 2023.

When do frogs breed? I was not sure and thought it was the spring but found out frogs in Scotland spawn in February and hatch three weeks later in March. Is that true of all frogs? not sure. Based his birthday on Scotland frogs.

Also he's a year old. Not sure how long frogs live? 

I met a frog once and called her Elmer. She had a wart covered back and yes I washed my hands after it.

She left stringy frogspawn in a garden bin. 

S#£& Elmer was a toad. Aren't they poisonous?

She was very calm.

Kevin's favourite drink

The one with the frogs drinking bud wise err.

Kevin's favourite film

The princess and the frog.

Kevin's favourite place

To be honest with you. He's not fussy. He'll go anywhere. 

Kevin's favourite band

Crazy frog. Big fan of him since he was a tadpole. 

Kevin's favourite book.

The wind in the willows. He likes Mr toad the best. 

Kevin's favourite sweet

Freddo the frog. Also any chocolate bar.

Kevin's favourite toy.

Anything except nets and jam jars. Still gives him nightmares. 

Kevin's favourite game


Kevin's favourite ad

See Kevin's favourite drink for his favourite ad.


Kevin is coming with me on my date. He hid in my pocket and is sitting beside me. I thought I was the only one who gatecrashed stuff.

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Kevin's new pal.

Kevin made a wee pal at the art class. She is made from a doll base, double sided tape, felt and pipe cleaners. Kevin borrowed my pen to draw the face.

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Shopping in Asda

So we went shopping in Asda for notelets and found blank rainbow coloured cards. We also planned to go for a drink afterwards but ran out of time and had to leave to get the first of two buses to get home.

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Eventful day so far

First Kevin nearly got frognapped by a dog who wanted to sniff him. Then while having lunch in Gregg's some builder guy left his phone behind and Kevin spotted it and got someone to hand it in for him.

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What do you guys think of this?

Apparently frogs are fighting for their lives. There's something going round killing them and it's like a virus or a fungus or something. The ones in the rainforest are needing help to survive. 

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What nationality is Kevin?

Half Scottish, half Irish and a tad pole.

What are Kevin's mum and dad called?

His dad's called Frank and his mum is called Fiona. His brothers are called Freddie, Barry, Larry, harry, Gary, Steven , Stuart and Frank junior. He also has a sister called Freda the twin sister of Freddie and a second sister called George.

A cousin called Frodo. Which was born before Kevin so Kevin's parents changed his name from Frodo to Kevin just before he was born.

An auntie called Tina.

Plus an uncle William who likes to drink beer. He married Tina. (Frank's sister.)

And another cousin not yet born yet. They are calling it Ashley.

Kevin's favourite joke?

The one with the frog returning a book to the library because he's ribbit ribbit ribbit. (Read it. Read it read it.)

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Kevin is coming with me on my date. He hid in my pocket and is sitting beside me. I thought I was the only one who gatecrashed stuff.

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Kevin's new pal.

Kevin made a wee pal at the art class. She is made from a doll base, double sided tape, felt and pipe cleaners. Kevin borrowed my pen to draw the face.

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Shopping in Asda

So we went shopping in Asda for notelets and found blank rainbow coloured cards. We also planned to go for a drink afterwards but ran out of time and had to leave to get the first of two buses to get home.

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Eventful day so far

First Kevin nearly got frognapped by a dog who wanted to sniff him. Then while having lunch in Gregg's some builder guy left his phone behind and Kevin spotted it and got someone to hand it in for him.

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What do you guys think of this?

Apparently frogs are fighting for their lives. There's something going round killing them and it's like a virus or a fungus or something. The ones in the rainforest are needing help to survive. 

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